
Sunday, 14 September 2014

A Message to all Scots Voters

It should be made clear that I am totally dispassionate as to whether Scotland remains within the United Kingdom following your referendum iin a few days time.

Would all voters please vote 'No' on that fateful yet momentous day may seem a strange thing to ask from someone no longer domiciled in the UK.  Despite having been an expat for ten years there is still a great fondness for that country and under a quirk of enfranchisement I am still entitled to vote in elections for the next five years when that right ceases.

What has been done by the current administration iin the past four years or absolutely appalls me, I can only wonder in heavens why Cameron and his cronies are so vindictive in their treatment of the poor, sick, needy people of that country yet hope and pray that there may be a change of government in the ensuing months that can only be for the better.

There must not be another Tory government after May 2015 but if the referendum result is for independence then that will surely happen due to the loss of forty or so Scottish Labour MPs handing Cameron and his acolytes a further five years to create even bigger divisions amongst the population.

England does not need nor deserve yet more Tory greed and divisiveness.  Please, please do not vote 'Yes' but let's have an overwhelming NO!

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