Still not a request or command, thank you! The number of semi-intelligent programmes seems to be declining almost weekly in favour of populist, audience grabbing reality shows, daft game shows where the ability not to answer questions correctly but to be falsely over enthusiastic is paramount, endless antiques Trash in the Attic/Bargain Hunt facsimiles and those devoted to buying, selling &/or auctioning property type offerings. What on earth has happened to sensible and intelligent programming on the nation's television channels?
Due to the ever burgeoning Murdoch empire terrestrial broadcasting has lost cricket, most rugby matches, much motorsport and many other sporting fixtures. It is understood from friends that there is some intelligent and informative programming produced and available through Sky TV such as the History and Discovery channels etc. Due to the dearth of what we consider reasonable programmes on terrestrial channels we have reached a decision that we have always said would never be taken by us - finally we have subscribed to to Sky Sports and Knowledge channels. Sky certainly does offer things to interest and entertain us especially during the winter months when our local community hibernates.
In one way I can grudgingly offer a mite of thanks to Murdoch for these programmes but in another I say 'Damn Murdoch' for his overarching greed and desire to dominate world media!