
Friday, 28 October 2011

Total failure

No apologies whatsoever for posting this article by Ed Hwaker in the Daily Telegraph, 27 October, 2011.

It is not my intention that this piece should be read as bashing one particular political party or another, more to illustrate the utter futility and incompetence of 'the system' as well as those who administer it along with the inability of to arrange any sustainable long term planning rather than the inevitable short-termism of the current system. 

I shall labour the point no further ...


Ed Miliband is sometimes often accused of not “cutting through”, of being so anonymous as to be ignored by the electorate he is attempting to win over. But when he used the phrase “squeezed middle” to describe the large bulk of working families who are insufficiently poor to be dependent on benefits, but not so rich as to be insulated from government cuts and economic malaise, he certainly struck a chord.
As the Labour leader recognised, millions of households in Britain are struggling to make ends meet. They are victims not just of a low-growth economy, but of a barrage of burdens and penalties: New Labour’s stealth taxes, Gordon Brown’s raid on pensions, the abolition of mortgage interest relief, the Coalition’s cuts to child benefit. All were aimed squarely at those who contribute most to our society – so it’s no surprise that the Prime Minister’s claim last year that “we’re all in this together” was greeted with such hollow laughter.
Worse, there is every reason to fear that the squeeze is set to tighten. For our problems are not just due to Gordon Brown being such a ghastly chancellor: government after government has failed to face up to the country’s long-term needs.
In the coming decades, the Exchequer will be forced to meet vast unfunded liabilities, identified more than a decade ago, for which almost nothing has been done to prepare us. Never mind the debate over the deficit: to pay state pensions throughout the extraordinarily long lives of the 18 million baby boomers who will retire within the next 20 years we will have to find an extra £1.4 trillion – and a further £800 billion for public sector pensions. And if you think the NHS is too large and unwieldy now, consider the effect of that same demographic change. By 2020, the Treasury estimates that health care will demand 10 per cent of GDP – costs will have doubled from 1990. If our politicians aim to address these problems by targeting the squeezed middle once again, the effect will be devastating.
At the moment, voters tell the pollsters that they are prepared to put up with a little pain, if it means that life will be better in future. But the squeeze is being passed on down the generations. Last year, the housing charity Shelter estimated that 2.8 million people are delaying having children because they can’t afford to buy a home: these are young couples who are in work and ready to start families, but have been caught out by our chronic housing shortage.
neration after that? Thanks in large part to the recent tuition fee hike, the children of the squeezed middle are being squeezed before they have even begun to pay tax. Families with teenagers are scrabbling around to afford the £9,000 a year fees: if they can’t, their children will have to take out loans, leaving them with decades of personal as well as national debts to settle.

Even those who avoided the introduction of higher fees are far from home and dry. Unprecedented numbers are unemployed – the latest figures show that nearly 40 per cent of all those without jobs in Britain are under 25. Locked out of the workplace, many graduates have begun long months of unpaid internships, hoping that employers who see no need to pay for their labour will eventually give them a permanent post, or at least the minimum wage.

It is not hard to see why Andrew Cooper, David Cameron’s chief political strategist, informed his boss upon his arrival in Downing Street earlier this year that voters’ greatest concern was that their children wouldn’t have the same opportunities they’d had.

Sadly, the Government’s response to this dilemma has been mixed at best. By raising the retirement age and negotiating a new deal with public sector workers, the Coalition has tentatively begun to fill the gap between what workers expect to receive and what the country will be able to afford – but it still remains vast.
If we are to ensure that our children can enjoy the same levels of prosperity as their parents, we need to make some hard decisions. First, the Government must consider restricting some of the perks given to the rich retired. There is no earthly reason why we should pay for Lord Sugar to receive the winter fuel allowance. If the Coalition can means test benefits for children, why not for OAPs?
As for preparing the workers of the future, far too little has been done. The tuition fee hike may help the Exchequer today, but if Britain’s young people stay away from university – and, as employers regularly complain, are already ill‑equipped for the workplace – we will not be able to compete in the global economy.

Next, even though there is a pressing need for more housing for young families, the National Planning Policy Framework is plainly not fit for purpose: we need a sensitive and strategic building programme, not a brickies’ free-for-all. But why not extend the default rental agreement from six months (much less than the average mobile phone contract), giving young couples the security they need to start a family?
It is no surprise that the political debate in Britain avoids these problems – because they yield uncomfortable solutions. But unless we start thinking seriously about them, the squeeze today will be nothing compared to the squeeze tomorrow.