For crying out loud will the news programmes, newspapers, assorted journals papers, the internet and other media stop telling me what I am thinking. Collectively you have absolutely no idea. I have a brain which is still functioning as far as I am aware, it has been successfully educated to Degree level and is capable of making decisions and choices.
It seems now habitual for media and commentators to hijack my brain processes, or so they would have me believe. I am heartily sick of hearing today that everyone or even the whole world mourns the passing of just one person without consideration for others who have died. How dare they presume such on my behalf without so much as a passing nod, by your leave or even a thank you.
My opinion is mine and mine alone, it is not answerable to the often incorrect assumptions of mass media, lobbyists, politicians, propaganda merchants and some seeking to manipulate popular opinion, particularly mine.
Undoubtedly there will be some reading this who will immediately jump to false conclusions. Most likely, given the current media hysteria, it will be concluded that I am unsympathetic to recent events in South Africa, should that be your conclusion then so be it. My preference is that my thoughts are exactly that and nothing else.
Now go away to your sleazy news dens, tawdry little rags, television studios and radio lairs, think about your erroneous assumption then perhaps, just perhaps real news rather than speculation and non facts may be reported - hopefully ...
Absolutely agree Bobert!