
Monday, 6 February 2012

Lies, myths, 'experts' and politicians

Global warming, climate change, call it what you will, according to so called experts, international bodies spurious or otherwise, politicians from a vast assortment of countries and political beliefs, lobbyists and companies with self-serving vested interests (overwhelmingly financial) and other hangers-on would have the world believe that change or warming is a real and present threat.  The whole shebang of threat and doom is founded upon a false premise and desire to enrich themselves, governments or companies by raising taxes under that subterfuge.  In so doing they all choose to ignore that there have been several well documented, researched and evidenced Ice Ages followed by a number of very warm/hot millenia before the cycle repeats over again.

What is more worrying is that these assumptions/conspiracies or beliefs largely go unchallenged; rather those that challenge their assertions are branded heretics or deluded as well as being generally ignored by the global media machines.

I am not going to bang on about this but Below is an article by Adam Baker of that I wholeheartedly support.  Whether you, dear loyal readers, concur is not the issue, but that people should consider the argument below sensibly and seriously rather than just slavishly and loyally follow the 'official' line.


Nothing quite like waking up on an early February morning to a covering of crisp, white snow reminding us that once again, winter is upon us. Europe is experiencing heavy snowfalls, temperatures have plummeted and ski resorts are packed to the rafters with tourists enjoying the weather.

But wait. What happened? Snow? In winter? This isn't supposed to happen anymore, remember? It was quite clearly foretold in March 2000 by eminent climate change scientist Dr David Viner that our children "would never experience snowfall". Billions are being poured into the "climate change" campaign (renamed from Global Warming for obvious reasons) and you and I are the ones paying for this nonsense. From the rich being able to sell us solar energy for 43p a unit, when you and I can buy it for 7p a unit to endless wind farms, to "global taxation" via Kyoto or carbon trading, we are being had on a royal scale.

Not one single politician has the balls to call an end to this outright en masse theft. To do so would see him vilified, ridiculed and unemployed, just as suggesting that the Sun was at the centre of the solar system or the planet might not be flat caused endless problems back in the Middle Ages.

We KNOW climate changes. It's why we can dig up fossils of giraffes in East Anglia and burn coal from once great tropical forests now residing under Nottingham. Yet someone, somewhere got the idea that truly massive amounts of money, OUR money could be extracted from us if only a way could be found to "save the planet". To reject the notion is to be a heretic to the all encompassing church of Global Warming. To question the wisdom of the great priests of climate change is to invite public scorn and ridicule. Yet in the background, our Lords and Masters are quietly planning new "non political" global taxes to redistribute your earnings to makers of wind turbines in Denmark and Germany and support Marxist redistribution of your wealth to idiots who live on flood plains in Bangladesh.

Schemes designed to punish us for using energy generated to create our standard of living are being implemented. Long gone is "aid" or donations. Oh no, a brilliant scam to tax you of your income and send it to people who sit under palm trees all day is well and truly underway.

Call me old fashioned, but when choosing somewhere to build my mud hut, I might consider a 25 mile walk to the local water hole to be a minus on the tick box of "des res" must haves. But not anymore. That nice man from DFID rolls up clutching a case full of money, apologising for making the desert so hot and would I like to accept a large cheque from people in the snowy north?

If you need any proof it's a global scam, just look at the glee with which Politicians are courted by those with a vested interest in getting hold of your taxes. Pseudo charities lobbying from dawn till dusk so that Joe the Plumber will feel the guilt of his hideous actions in turning on the central heating in frozen Europe during winter - the wealth creating bastard.

Mankind adapts. From naked pygmies in tropical sub Saharan Africa to whale blubber munching Inuits in Greenland, there is pretty much nowhere on the planet that is too hostile for man to thrive. If you think removing our wealth and handing it to morons to live on flood plains or up poles in monsoon river deltas is the answer, I'd certainly like to know what the question is.

Dr David Viner is now head of a £10M British Council initiative to "educate" foreign youth about the dangers of "global warming". I'm just hoping to point out to few hard pressed readers that once again, they're being had because they CAN be had - we are rapidly approaching a situation similar to the banking sector whereby the cult of Global Warming is simply to big to fail - and look where that has got us.

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