Reported on BBC News this morning that last night in Salford, Greater Manchester, firemen were attacked by anti-social elements whilst tackling a blaze. This is not the first time by any means that members of the emergency services have been subjected to attacks whilst carrying out their lawful duty and seems to be increasing frequency. What is it with these underclass elements that makes them behave in such a way? The possible blame may be laid at many doors, broken families, poor housing, unemployment, lack of education, government policies over the years or even, whisper it quietly, lack of parental responsibility and influence.
Surely, along with other mindless acts such as minor criminal damage, graffiti, general hooliganism, this all reflects on society as a whole, from top to very bottom. It was never like this in my childhood, any wanton public act would have been dealt with by the local bobby with either a clip round the ear or a whack from a rolled up cape. Should such behaviour have been repeated on a number of occasion the culprit(s) could well have found themselves in a juvenile court to be dealt with. Apart from any judicial sentence the shame brought onto the family would have been generally sufficient to prevent re-occurrence. As a last resort there were approved schools where offenders were sent if under sixteen and Borstal if over that age.
Today one often hears or reads of multiple offences committed by the same individual over a period of time going relatively unpunished because authority in all its diverse forms seems unable and/or unwilling to deal with these louts. Perhaps National Service may provide a solution to the problem of lack of self-discipline and respect for self, others and property.
What is certain that this behaviour needs to be eradicated effectively and firmly as soon as possible before social order breaks down completely. Is any government brave enough to tackle the problem? I very much doubt it as the wheel has turned too far in favour of namby pamby do-gooders, human rights and the weakening of some legislation which seems to almost protect some wrongdoers.
Another thought in the same direction - what has become of Divvy Macaroon's great personal idea and crusade of the Big Society in recent weeks? After a much trumpeted relaunch then it seems to have disappeared, become lost, drowned in a sea of voter apathy and cynicism. Perhaps the idea should be redirected to include anti-social elements at its very core which may then decrease the nation's disregard of it.
Perhaps politicians should look outside of their own sheltered and cloistered realm to other European countries where such behaviour is far less evident and far less tolerated to discover why this may be and apply lessons learned.
I agree with the above article, what a shocking state this country is in and what an embarrassment to so called Great Britain.