
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Her Majety's Royal Mail

Before Xmas Her Majesty's Royal mail warned that there might be slight delays in delivered due to inclement weather.  Yesterday a package arrived from Kent by 1st class mail that was posted on 8 December, today another, 1st class again, posted on 3 December from Hertfordshire.  Naturally I checked with the senders of these items and all assured that they had indeed been sent.  Next step was to check with La Poste who assured me that any delay was due to their UK counterparts.  Even given my slightly impaired mobility I could have walked here with both of those packages in considerably less time. 

Have been on the phone to Royal Mail today to complain bitterly about their utter ineptitude and hopefully to find out what the hell is going on over there.  Having been referred and transferred any number of times to the 'right department' I was finally told that they are not responsible as I am an overseas recipient and as such they have no liability for delays, losses etc.

There is the makings of a bill going through Parliament today to privatise the Royal Mail, mercifully so I believe.  What a totally inept, incompetent shower of tossers they are.  I never ever thought that I would say these words 'Roll on privatisation'.

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