
Thursday, 4 March 2010

'Tis a sad day

Ten years ago to the day I lost a very good mate and friend, died as a result of a sidecar racing accident in which his son as passenger miraculously sustained only light injuries. It was indeed a tragic event for everyone as he was a very popular man. What makes it worse for me is that I was not there at that meeting, something about which I have a certain guilt even now.

We and respective families spent many happy hours and fun times together whether racing or just socially and it is these times that I remember with much happiness. He was not the first friend, nor unfortunately the last over some fifty years or more for me, to be lost in as sport which they all loved passionately as I still do today.

Not only do I think of him today but all of the others too with sadness and affection and am grateful that I have had the privilege of knowing these great men, every one of them and having been a part of their world.

But it is not with only sadness that is today but with thanks and happiness of their memory.

Bless you Ray.


  1. Thanks Bob. He was a good bloke.
    Proper good.

  2. Not only a good bloke but a real mate too.
