
Thursday 14 October 2010


Earlier this year we had to to have our cat Socks put to sleep because of an inoperable tumour. She was fifteen years old, we'd had her since she was about a year old and was a sweet, affectionate cat with very much her own personality and character.

Almost a year ago our other cat Smudge went out late on afternoon, never to return. We searched for her, placed posters locally, all to no avail.

Both were and are very much missed as we both are very fond of cats because they are great company, amusing, sometimes annoying and almost part of the family.

Once various short trips away are over we shall be able to settle down for the winter. Then we shall be able to begin looking for two more cats, preferably kittens from the same litter so that they can grow up together with us. Those of you who have or appreciate cats will understand, those who do not just do not know what you are missing!